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God called both Frank and Lynmarie into full-time ministry later in life after a 15-month season which provided Frank first-hand understanding of depression, suicidal compulsion and instantaneous deliverance.
His inside-knowledge concerning spiritual battle― and Lyn’s into hearing the voice of God― have been a resource to many globally.
Consequently, their ministry focus is to equip people to “serve God by his Spirit, boast in Christ Jesus, and put no confidence in the flesh” (Gal 3:3).
Pastors Frank and Lynmarie at Living Hope Bible Church
Before their call to Spirit of Hope Christian Church as co-pastors, they served as ministers in Living Hope Bible Church, a multicultural church in Aurora, CO; and served earlier as chaplains at ACTS Resource Center, a Denver inner-city outreach, where they utilized creative evangelism in the soup kitchen, worship services and street ministries.
They received Masters’ Degrees in Divinity and Doctorates in Ministry from Shalom Bible College and Seminary; after which Frank was commissioned by the US Air Force Auxiliary and served as a Chaplain and Captain in the Civil Air Patrol youth organization.
Frank’s heart for those in need is demonstrated by his Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology from Western State Colorado University, and years of advocacy on behalf of veterans, x-offenders, the homeless, and those in recovery.
Burgs with Pastor Holland enjoying Winter Park
So many of us wonder if our crazy dreams have meaning. While our front lobes say the idea is loony, our hearts may sense these dreams may be delivering beneficial insight from God.
Having interpreted tens-of-thousands of dreams, received an enormous amount of feedback, and experienced how thousands of dreams have played out in real-life─ Pastor Lynmarie has been reaching dreamers all over the world to help them unlock many of the mysteries surrounding dream interpretation from a biblical perspective.
Prophetic & Dream Interpretation Instruction
The son of a local musical celebrity– Frankie Burg of Taylor's Supper Club– Frank is an accomplished jazz and gospel drummer, playing professionally since 1964.
Lyn obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Choral Music Education from Western Illinois University, and has served as a church choir/theater director in numerous churches, several schools; and has coached privately. The couple believe in the power of excellent music, the virtue of traditional hymns, and the need for diversity in praise and worship.
The couple has extensive experience serving in numerous denominational and non-denominational churches. They brag 45 years of marriage, 5 remarkable children, and 15 grandchildren- including 2 sets of twins! They moved to Silver City, New Mexico in June of 2021.
Pastor Frank and Lynmarie broadcasting services